Ely Area Trail Conditions

February 19, 2025

Conditions are fair to good depending on where you are riding and how much use the trail has gotten since the last groom. I knocked the overall condition down to fair due to the heavy trail use and lack of new snow over the last week. Rocks are showing up more on the trails, and the base as a whole is thin. Despite that, our groomer operators are doing a great job of using the snow they have to bring the trails up to a high quality and enjoyable trail.

The WolfTrack Classic Sled Dog Race is happening on the Taconite State Trail and Fishing Lakes trail west of Ely this coming Sunday; heads up on that.

Plea se stress with riders to keep their speed down and stay to the right when riding.

Taconite State Trail , Arrowhead State Trail , Putnam/Fishing Lakes Trails, and Lake Vermilion Soudan Underground Mine State Park Trails

Taconite Trail:     Snow: 10-16”    Base: 1-3”   Groomed: Yes     Condition: Fair              

 Arrowhead Trail:       Snow: 10-16”               Base: 1-3”     Groomed: Yes            Condition: Fair          

We are seeing multiple places across the area’s trail system where ATVs have gone onto the snowmobile trails. ATVs (tracked or wheeled) or any other motorized vehicle besides snowmobiles ARE NOT allowed on Grant-in-Aid and State snowmobile trails.

Please ride with caution, keep your speed down, and stay to the right at all times while riding. This is a big issue, especially on curvy, hilly trails.

There is active logging in several spots throughout the Grant-in-Aid and State Trail system, especially in the Orr area and north. Please SLOW DOWN in these areas and give trucks and logging equipment space. All logging activity will be signed on either side of where the trail is used.

Riding conditions are good and trails are setting up well, yet we could use more snow to add to the base, cover the remaining rocks, and give our operators more material to work with. In general trails in the woods still have more snow than exposed trails through swamps, timber sales, and power lines. 

Taconite State Trail: Riding conditions remain Fair to Good throughout the trail. Watch for rocks on the trail west of Hwy 53 to Hwy 25.  The Wolftrack Classic Sled Dog Race is happening this Sunday, February 23, on the Taconite State Trail and Fishing Lakes trail west of Ely.

Arrowhead State Trail: Riding conditions remain Fair throughout the trail. Watch for active logging on, across, and alongside the trail. Trail will be signed leading up to the activity.
Voyageur Trail Society and International Voyageurs snowmobile clubs (from Crane Lake and International Falls) groom the Arrowhead State Trail from the Bill Morgan trail to its northern terminus at the Blue Ox. Visit their websites for additional trail condition information at http://www.ridetheborders.com/trail-report.html#/ and https://www.snowmobilevacation.org/

Putnam/Fishing Lakes Trail: is groomed and in fair to good condition. Continue to watch for rocks throughout the trail. We still need a bit more snow to really smooth out the corners, swamps, and rocky areas. The Wolftrack Classic sled dog race is happening this Sunday, February 23, on the Taconite State Trail and Fishing Lakes trail west of Ely.

Lake Vermilion Soudan Underground Mine SP Trails: are in fair to good condition and will be groomed again before this weekend. 

Continue to monitor trail conditions online, as they may change after this report: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/snow_depth/index.html

You can snowshoe anywhere in Minnesota's state parks and recreation areas, except on trails that are specifically groomed for another activity, such as skiing or snowmobiling.

  • Snowmobilers: winter parking is not available - there's no space for trailers. Park at the nearest available trailhead and ride into the park.

Trail conditions will be changing quite a bit over the next few days, so continue to monitor trail conditions online at https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/snow_depth/index.html

Local Snowmobile Trail Updates

All local trails will be groomed twice per week throughout the remainder of the season and are in good shape.

Bear Head Lake State Park:

Recent snow flurries and heavy winds have covered the classic ski track, we intend to set new track on Friday, January 31st. THINK SNOW as we need much more in order to groom the Norberg Lake Loop. As a reminder, it is unlawful to damage any part of the groomed ski trails, so please do not walk, snowshoe, take pets, etc on any part of the ski trail. Snowshoers have been enjoying Blueberry and Becky Lake Trails.

This trail provides rolling topography through birch and pine stands. You may see a variety of wildlife ranging from deer, wolves, ruffed grouse, and pine martens.You can snowshoe anywhere in Minnesota's state parks and recreation areas, except on trails that are specifically groomed for another activity, such as skiing or snowmobiling.

Skiing Base: 1-2 Inches. Conditions: Fair Groomed: No

Snowmobiling conditions: Trail Base: 1-2 Inches Conditions: Good.

Babbitt Golf Course Trail:  The Babbitt golf course is freshly groomed.

Babbitt Birch Lake Plantation:  The plantation trails have been groomed and are in great skiing condition.

Hidden Valley Ski Trails: The Bomba and Sommer trails were in great shape. The classic track was generally in good shape, just a little shallow in a few areas.

Trezona Trail : Groomed for skate skiing