Ely Chamber of Commerce Social Memberships
Social Memberships
Social memberships provide an opportunity for residents and visitors to stay connected to all things Ely. Both are sponsoring memberships (non-voting) and receive an invitation to our Business Networking Dinner business networking vent. No web listing or brochure/business card distribution is available with either social membership. These special memberships are open to everyone regardless of geographic location and support our Ely area business community.
CONNECTELY: Everyone is an Elyite! Join our growing Elyite community and experience the best Ely has to offer. Receive our monthly ConnectEly email newsletter filled with events, business promotions, special packages and area news. Your name appears in the newsletter with your initial membership and each year with renewal. $25 for individual or family/year.
SOCIAL: Our social membership is for individuals who desire a connection to our business community. Receive invitations to business workshops, Business after Hours events, and other special activities, along with our Chamber business newsletter. The Social membership also includes the ConnectEly perks. $25 per person/year.