The purpose of this document is to answer the most asked questions of our membership. Our goal is to clearly articulate the value of chamber membership and increase member involvement & engagement through consistent messaging and opportunities.
Ely Chamber of Commerce Business Membership & Benefits
Criteria: A business within the Ely, Winton, Babbitt, Isabella, or Embarrass area.
* An Active or full membership includes Chamber member sign for the business, premier website listing with direct link, an invitation to all Chamber events, subscription to all Chamber member correspondence, an invitation to all Chamber workshop and training series programs, brochures/fliers on display at Chamber visitor center, opportunity to purchase advertising in Ely Vacation Guide, opportunity to place a coupon in the Ely coupon book, business listing in Vacation Guide, business referrals, social media interactions, and promotions, option to participate in the Chamber Bucks program, chance to host Business After Hours events and ribbon-cutting ceremony assistance.
As a diverse business community, we have a variety of products and services represented within our membership. Each Tier represents a level of business ownership.
TIER I: Sole proprietor retail, wholesale or home-based business, single guide, a single cabin or single vacation home rental $225
TIER II: Retail, wholesale or home-based business with employees, two guides, two cabins, two vacation home rentals, transportation service, or floatplane service $375
TIER III: Guide business, bed & breakfast, 3-4 cabins, or 3-4 vacation home rentals $475
TIER IV: Outfitting service, campground, 5-8 cabins, or 5-8 vacation home rentals $575
TIER V: Motel, hotel, nine or more cabins, or nine or more vacation home rentals $675
ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Each additional business membership will receive the same benefits as the primary membership. The primary business will be the highest membership fee for all businesses under consideration. Cost for each additional business is $225. Please complete the additional business form on the last page for each paid business.
As a Chamber member, you automatically receive all of the following privileges, no effort required.
PROMOTE: Business/Visitor Referral Service refers members first and foremost. Each year the Chamber receives thousands of calls, emails, and walk-ins searching for products and services. The Chamber connects customers with area businesses.
WEBSITE: The website is a powerful marketing tool used by hundreds of thousands of people each year searching for businesses, vacation information and event information. Active members automatically receive a direct web link along with their web listing. Our website hosts the Ely Community Calendar and Featured Events page.
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY: Each year the Ely Chamber of Commerce publishes the Ely Vacation Guide. We ship 25,000 copies of the guide to locations across the US, including the Mall of America, Minneapolis Airport, other chambers and visitor centers across Minnesota, and numerous prospective visitors. Each active member will receive a free listing in the business directory portion of the guide. Those who pay for additional businesses will also receive a listing. We offer an e-guide on too.
EMAIL COMMUNICATIONS: We are an information hub receiving a variety of information from government agencies, law enforcement, and other entities. Emails containing information affecting the business community are shared with our members. We also share Chamber news, events, and other Chamber-related news via email.
EVENT SPONSORSHIPS: Your business will have priority for Chamber-owned events.
RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY: Whether a new business owner, new location or remodel, the Chamber would like to help your business celebrate. We arrange for representatives from the Chamber and city or township officials to be present. We also provide the ribbon scissors and information on how to plan your special event.
VISITOR CENTER BROCHURE DISTRIBUTION: Each paid membership will receive a spot in our display racks for your brochure or business card. Our visitor center has nearly 8,000 people pass through its doors each year.
BUSINESS NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES: The Chamber hosts a number of business events and provides opportunities for businesses to work together through various promotions. We believe by working together we can create a strong, successful business environment.
TYPES OF CERTIFICATES: Both the public and businesses can purchase certificates for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, employee recognition, etc. Certificates are available for purchase at the Ely Chamber of Commerce. These certificates do not have an expiration date. Certificates are available in $5, $10 & $20 denominations.
CERTIFICATE REDEMPTION: Certificates can be redeemed at any participating Chamber member business. A list of the participating Chamber businesses is provided with each certificate. Certificates work as cash, so please reimburse the customer as if they had provided regular currency. An in-store credit may also be issued for any balance remaining.
BUSINESS REIMBURSEMENT: Businesses can turn in redeemed certificates to the Chamber for their full face value.
BUSINESS PARTICIPATION: If you would like to be listed as a participant in the Chamber Buck Certificate Program, please initial the front page of the application. There is no cost and you will receive full reimbursement for every certificate you accept.
Add $30.00
President’s Circle business signage
Level denoted in membership ads, on website listing, and at Business Networking Dinner event
Opportunity to add events/programs to Chamber online calendar
Add $130.00
Includes all Bronze privileges plus:
Member to member email promotion ($100 value)
One free ticket to Business Networking Dinner event ($30 value)
One set member mailing labels ($20 value)
Date preference for after-hours business networking events
Add $230.00
Includes all Silver privileges plus:
Second member to member email promotion ($100 value)
Second free admission to the Business Networking Dinner event ($30 value)
Facebook boost ($50 value)
Add $330.00
Includes all Gold privileges:
Second Facebook boost ($50 value)
Prospect List ($350 value)
Add $450.00
Includes all Platinum benefits plus:
Business Package promotion ($125 value)
Third Business Networking Dinner event ticket ($30 value)
Three-month featured business in Visitor Center ($200.00 value)